leadership in our chapter
Alpha Delta Pi offers amazing opportunities for sisters to make a meaningful impact in our chapter and our community while gaining professional experience to prepare them for their future careers.
Executive BOard

Maddie Peckheiser, President

Rachel Vorhees, Executive Vice President

Haley Rey, Panhellenic Delegate

Lexi Donovan, Vice President of Membership Development

Abby Cohen, Vice President of Event Management

Kimberly Vosbrink, Vice President of Recruitment

Meghan Moyer, Vice President of Finance
2024-2025 officers
Director of New
Member Education
Abby Ramage
Megan Keating
Gabby Shearer
Leadership Chair
Ann Ehrlich
Alumni Relations Chair
Hannah Lancaster
Primary Recruitment
Kari Jim
Recruitment Information Manager
Liza Bova
Bid Day Chair
Katelyn Kusic
Public Relations
Mazzy Tomich
Social Media Chair
Liz Darmofal
COB Chair
Jess Phillips
Merchandise Chair
Angela Zimmerman
Recruitment Videographer
Lindsey Chapman
Karley Fulcher
Ann Ehrlich
Finance Assistant
Rachel Malone
Assistant Social Chair
Samantha Miele
Greek Sing Chairs
Ann Ehrlich
Community Service Chair
Cate Ciminero
Parents Weekend Chair
Maren Sobin
Homecoming Chair
Maren Sobin
Music Chair
Kathleen McInnis
Philanthropy Chair
Briana Schwartz
Chapter Foundation Ambassador
Olivia DeMaria
Banner Chair
Kali Wengryn
Scholarship Chair
Dylan Abke
Paige Whitman
Wellness Chair
Kayla Botzum
Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Itzia Carr
Sorority Assistant
Sophia Dijoseph
leadership on campus

Our chapter holds a strong reputation as leaders in the Greek community. We currently have four sisters on the Junior Panhellenic Council, and we collected the most aluminum cans out of all of the Panhellenic sororites for a THON 2021 fundraiser. However, our passion for leadership extends beyond the reach of Greek Life. Alpha Delta Pi sisters can be seen serving in leadership positions in clubs and organizations all over Penn State's campus. We're proud of our sisters who lead by example on campus in their roles as Lion Scouts, student athletes, homecoming captains, THON captains and committee members, and leadership positions within notable student organizations such as The Student Nurses Association (SNAP), Harmony, Valley Magazine, and My Campus Cares.