A Letter from our Vice President of Recruitment
To Our Potential New Members,
I would like to welcome you to Alpha Delta Pi’s website where you can explore and learn more about our chapter here at Penn State! My name is Kimberly Vosbrink and I am the Vice President of Recruitment for Alpha Delta Pi.
I know that right now you are all exploring your options and trying to find out if Greek life is for you, and what chapter looks like home to you. For myself I knew coming into college that I wanted to find a community where I could be myself and find other people that have similar interests. After stepping foot into Alpha Delta Pi in round one of recruitment I knew that this was the place I wanted to become my home. I had immediately felt welcomed by the sisters and found common ground with each person I was talking to. Every round that I went back just strengthened that bond and made me feel like these people could become my best friends. I knew I had found my home.
When I opened my bid day card and saw Alpha Delta Pi I was ecstatic. As I met people that night I knew that I now had 200 new sisters that had my back and wanted to show me that our motto “We Live For Each Other” truly is what we live by. My sisters have supported me in everything I have done, whether it be my personal life, academic goals, sorority involvement, or involvement in other campus wide events.
Having my sisters by my side everyday has truly been amazing. I have made so many memories and friendships I know will last a lifetime. Alpha Delta Pi has opened my life up to so many opportunities and connections that I know will help me to be successful in the future. I want to thank you all again for learning more about us and hope that you will be able to see our sisterhood in action during recruitment.
Kimberly Vosbrink
Vice President of Recruitment
Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi

Kimberly Vosbrink
Vice President of Recruitment
Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi